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Jersey Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club
SITE GUIDE - Vicard / Jardin D'Olivet

Vicard / Jardin D'Olivet

Vicard is the eastern cliff face as shown on the picture above.

A wind between 050° and 090° is required to fly here.

A cliff path goes right round the top of the cliffs and I now have a fairly good launch siteIndicates Launch Site on Photo! towards the southern edge of the ridge.
The Launch site is approximately 320ft amsl but a little hard to find as it is hidden from the cliff path by braken and gorse.

The cliffs are fairly steep providing a wide lift band. Very little beach at the bottom but side landing is possible most of the way round, however, the slog back to the top is to be avoided if at all possible.

Jardin D'Olivet
Jardin D'Olivet is the northern cliff face as shown towards the bottom right hand side of the picture above.

A wind between 010° and 040° should allow flight here.

The cliff top is approximately 340ft amsl but not very Paraglider friendly.

With the wind required to fly here roughly the same as that for the Bonne Nuit Site, together with the shortage of any clean paraglider launch sites you can see why I have totally avoided flying here

I suggest you leave this one for the 'Rigid Flyers'

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